You can reach John Dotson at 404.271.3030
or call the alternative appointment line at 678.290.6540

John’s office hours are 10:15 to 6:15 (last session starting at 5:30) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and 8:45 am to 3:30 on Saturday.

Please contact John to discuss fee structure. It is his desire to provide therapy for his clients, if at all possible, within their means. Please be certain to check first with your insurance company for out-of-network benefits  (please see more information below under “Insurance”) which, if you have, can greatly reduce your costs.

Unfortunately, due to client load and limited availability of lower fee and pro bono slots it may not be possible at the current time to provide therapy at your desired rate. If he cannot accommodate you he will do his best to provide a referral that may work for you. 

All initial sessions are ideally double sessions (90 minutes total) to allow the therapist sufficient time to gather necessary information for diagnostic and treatment planning purposes. You are not obligated to attend both initial sessions but please inform John if you will only be attending a single initial session. Thank you.

Sessions typically last 45 – 50 minutes and are usually conducted once per week.

Depending upon the needs of the client, some issues require multiple back-to-back sessions and/or more frequent sessions. The frequency and duration of sessions will always be discussed as therapy proceeds.

John will email, at the email address you provide, important documents prior to the first session that must be completed and returned in order to confirm the initial session. Each adult involved in counseling must complete and return all paperwork prior to the first appointment. PCA cannot confirm appointments without completed and returned paperwork.

Professional Counseling Associates is a fee-for-service provider and does not accept insurance.

Most insurance plans, though, pay “out-of-network” benefits that reimburse patients for a portion, if not all, of the therapist’s fees. Some plans even include a “preferred provider” benefit meaning you are free to utilize the health provider of your choice.

This information is available by calling the mental-health-benefits phone number on the back of your insurance card. Some plans require pre-authorization prior to the appointment.

PCA provides a receipt containing the necessary diagnostic and  medical procedural code for each session that you file with your insurance company to receive allowable reimbursement. Counseling with PCA may qualify for payment through a Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account using pre-tax income.

As with any medical practice, payment is due at the time of service. Cash, checks, Visa, American Express, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards are accepted.